Deborah Circle

The Women of St. Paul’s, WELCA, meet in the fellowship room on the 2nd Tuesday of each month for Bible Study. Any woman member of the church or interested non-member is welcome to come for study, sharing and fellowship for an hour or so.

A Lutheran Women monthly publication called GATHER has a Bible Study included in each issue which we use for our Bible Study. This magazine also has articles written by Lutheran women about subjects interesting to women in their everyday life.

We invite all women to our informal study of God’s Word in the scriptures. There are no requirements for length of time in previous Bible Studies nor do we pressure anyone to speak out. We are learning together.

Please Come.

Margaret Heimlich, Mission Growth Chr.

2024 Deborah Circle Schedule – All Meetings start at 9:30 AM in the education wing.

  • January 9
  • February 13
  • March 12
  • April 9
  • May 14
  • June 11
  • July 9
  • August No Meeting
  • September 10
  • October 8
  • November 12
  • December 10