Time Change! Regular hours begin September 1! Sunday School starts at 9:30 AM. Worship will begin at 10:30 AM.
THE SENIOR HANDBELLS will have their first practice on Wednesday, September 4th at 6:00 PM.
THE SENIOR VOCAL CHOIR will have their first practice on Wednesday, September 4th at 7:00 PM.
RALLY DAY will be held on Sunday, September 8th. We will have a lunch potluck after Worship Service, so please bring a dish to share. This will be a great morning to spend with our church family and extend an invitation for others to join us! All are welcome!
DEBORAH CIRCLE will meet September 10th at 9:30 AM. Pastor Jennifer will lead the Bible Study and Sharon Warner will have the Worship Offering. All women are welcome! The Bible study is held on the Second Tuesday of each month at the Church. See the schedule here.
YOUTH KICKOFF will be held on Sunday, September 15th. This joint ministry of St. Paul’s and Peace Community is for Kindergarten – 12th grade. JAM (Jesus and Me) is at Peace from 3:30-5:00 PM and Youth is at St. Paul’s from 6:00-7:30 PM.
We have instituted a new way to make a contribution or offering to St. Paul’s using an online service called Tithely. Click here for more information and to make a donation or offering from your home.
The Neighborhood Supper is scheduled for Tuesday, September 24th. Volunteers are needed! Please sign up on the our Family Board. The supper is free and and runs from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM. It is always held on the 4th Tuesday of every month.
The Fresh Produce Distribution will next take place on Friday, September 6, 2024 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 PM. The distribution will take place at All Occasions, 6989 Waldo Delaware Rd. Waldo, Ohio 43356. In general 10,00 pounds of food are distributed. Over Thirty volunteers work together to provide the food. In August, 240 families were served.
Pastor Jenn will be conducting a Bible Study on Thursday, September 5th at 1:00 PM. It will be held in the Education Wing.
Vanilla is available for purchase in the kitchen at the price of $3.00 a bottle. Please give your money to Sharon Warner.
THE YOUTH COOKBOOK FROM 2014 is celebrating its 10 year anniversary! Copies are available for purchase at $5.00 each. Contact Kelly Talley if you would like to purchase a book. Money collected will go into the Youth Fund.
Haiti, one of the poorest countries on earth, has suffered a devastating earthquake and continued political upheaval. St. Paul’s has been supporting Living Hope Ministries for many years. Living Hope Ministries provides schooling, trade training, and religious instruction to hundreds of youngsters. Their need is always great. You can make a donation using your offering envelope or going through the Living Hope Ministries web site.
Lutheran World Relief is also taking donations for Haitian earthquake relief, Turkey Earthquake relief, the people of Ukraine and other areas of need. You can make a donation by going to https://donate.lwr.org.
The war in Ukraine has prompted millions of people to flee their homes and country. If you would like to help, designate your contribution to Eastern Europe Crisis Response on your offering envelope. You may also send contributions directly. Make your check out to Lutheran Disaster Response. Send it to: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, ElCA Gifts Processing Center, PO Box 1809, Merrifield, VA 22116-8009. In the memo line write either Eastern Europe Crisis Response or Where Needed Most.
Communion – We have communion on most Sundays at the altar rail, or a flow through communion. Please come forward at the deacon’s direction. If you are unable to come to the front of the church, tell a deacon and the pastor will bring communion to you in your seat. You may have either wine or grape juice. Non-communing children and others who do not wish to receive communion are welcome to come forward for a blessing.
“At the table of our lord Jesus Christ, God nourishes faith, forgives sin, and calls us to be witnesses to the Gospel!” – The Use of the Means of Grace.
You can attend via Zoom too! The Church Service starts at 10:30 AM. Sunday School will start at 9:30 AM. After every Service, a recording of the service is uploaded to Facebook. You can watch the service on St. Paul’s Facebook page after the service has ended.
Prayer requests – We are asking St. Paul’s Church Family to write down the name(s) of people you would like to have on the prayer list for the current month and coming months. We have a sign-up sheet available in the church narthex. At the end of the month all names will be removed from the prayer list. If you would like to keep names on longer, sign-up sheets are available for the next several months.
For those with hearing difficulties we have an option to amplify the audio for you. If you would like to try this option, please alert a deacon.
Devotionals, Christ in Our Home for July -September 2024 are available between the back doors and in the Narthex.
Jim Wellhausen has made created a number of Sermonettes. They can be accessed on the menu above or by clicking on this link. The sermonettes cover a number of topics:
- Why We Pray
- Our Sins and are They Forgiven
- To Judge or Not to Judge
- Repentance
- Bread and Wine, Body and Blood
- The Story of Mary
- Abraham, Isaac, God and his Son
- God’s Kingdom, Our Kingdom and the Bible
- Jephthat and His Daughter
The Flower Calendar has been posted on the Bulletin Board. Please sign up to provide flowers for a Sunday worship service.
Zoom – Contact Tammy Alexander at the Church Office for Zoom connection details. You can attend via computer, smart phone, or phone. Members of the church should have received a letter with the connection information.
Elder, Linda Lovell and Claudia Fetter can provide spiritual assistance including communion. If you have a concern, problem, or prayer request, they have a ready ear and are just a phone call away.
Our prayer chain is ready for prayer requests. Again contact Pastor Jen, Linda Lovell, Claudia Fetter, Janet Poorman, or Tammy Alexander at the church office.
Philippians 4:6 “Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
We pray that everyone comes through the present National and world upheaval unscathed. Please say some extra prayers and lend a (virtual) helping hand to those around you. While life has been turned upside down, each of us has faced far worse in our personal lives. The only difference now is that we all are facing the same crisis together at the same time. Take this time to study your Bible. Pray! Steady those who are unsteady. Reassure those who are scared. At some point this crisis will be over. God is with us! May God smile on you this and every day! He is holding you in His Hand.
You can get up-to-date information on our congregation from our Facebook page too.
For upcoming events and dates see This Week!
Thanks for visiting us online. Please take a few moments to explore some of the ministries of our church community. Nestled in the village of Waldo, Ohio, we gather across generations to worship, learn, encourage, serve, and share the story of God’s gracious love. If you are looking for a welcoming community where your faith can grow in fellowship with others, come join us!