Sunday Worship

10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary

9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages

To watch Worship Service live on Zoom, please contact the church office for information.

After every Service, a recording of the service is uploaded to Facebook. You can watch the service on St. Paul’s Facebook page after the service has ended.

Why Worship?

We believe that our Christian faith is lived out in community with one another and that gathering as a community of believers to worship is at the heart of who we are as Christians.

In worship, we gather together, we hear the Word, we are nourished at the table, and we are sent out to serve Christ in the world around us.

What Does Worship Look Like at St. Paul’s?

Our worship is liturgical. The word liturgy means “the work of the people.” Worship leaders and the congregation work together by responding back and forth in word and in song to give our thanks and praise to God.

Our worship is Biblical. The Word is read and preached. Our liturgy and music draw upon scriptures to further illumine our faith.

Our worship is sacramental. The Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion are central to who we are as Christians. Communion is celebrated weekly as we believe, that in the eating and the drinking, we are given Christ’s grace and the strength to go out and serve God and God’s people.

We welcome children of all ages to worship at St. Paul’s. We believe that by being present in worship children learn about God and grow in their faith, and that children have a lot to share and teach adults about Jesus and his love.

We also understand that sometimes children need to move and make joyful noises and we welcome both in our worship. To assist parents and guardians, we have a children’s area in the sanctuary that includes quiet activities they can do at the table or take back to their pew. Children are invited to hear a Children’s Message and many of our youth participate in worship by serving as acolytes, assisting ministers, reading scriptures, and sharing their musical gifts.

We also offer Children’s Church on the 2nd and 4th Sundays when the children are invited to join a volunteer during the sermon and prayers for a Bible lesson out in the fellowship hall.

Children in Worship