FAQ Produce Distribution

Frequently Asked Questions about the Produce Distribution

The Fresh Produce Distribution will take place at All Occasions from 9:00  AM to 11:00 AM on the first Friday of the month.  Food will be pre-boxed. Once in line you can pop the trunk of your car and food will be placed inside. You do NOT have to get out of your car. All Occasions is located at: 6989 Waldo Delaware Road, Waldo, Ohio  43356. The Fresh food Distribution is offered on the first Friday of every month in conjunction with other local churches and the Mid-Ohio Food Bank.

Do I have to show Identification?  No

Who provides the produce?  Mid-Ohio Foodbank

How can I qualify?  Any family currently living at 200% or less of the federal poverty level is eligible to receive food.

Do I have to provide proof of income?  No

What are the hours?  11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

How can I help?

  • Donate cookies or brownies to be served at the Fresh Food Distribution.
  • Volunteer – There is a sign-up sheet on Family Board.
  • Spread the word!  Copies of the flier are located in the narthex.
  • Donate toilet paper and cleaning products and personal care items.

Personal Care Items?  Some personal care items such as toilet paper, shampoo, and soap are often available depending on donations.

Contributing personal care items:  We collect toilet paper, paper towels,  bar soap , dish soap, body soap, shampoo, conditioner and other personal care items during the month and then make them available on the day of the Fresh Produce Distribution.

Where will the produce be distributed?:  For the time being the Food Distribution will be at All Occasions on the first Friday of the monthAll Occasions’ address:

6989 Waldo-Delaware Rd., Waldo, OH  43356

From the center of Waldo, drive south about .7 of a mile.  You will see All Occasions on the right just past Prospect-Mt. Vernon Rd W.

More Questions?  Call St. Paul’s at (740) 726-2770